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Want the Secrets?
Are you stressed out by debts?
Do you dream of being financially free?
Prefer to listen? Click the link below!
How would you like to get the secrets to:
1. Drive without car insurance
2. Erase school loans
3. Settle credit card debt
4. Eliminate your mortgage
and more, much more!
Imagine not having to worry about money … finally get a full night’s sleep!
It’s time for you to make your dream of financial freedom a reality with the techniques you’re about to learn!
You’re about to discover the little-known loopholes and closely guarded secrets you can use to wipe out your debts–car insurance, mortgage, student loan, credit cards–once and for all!
When I first looked into these secrets and little-known loopholes, I was surprised to say the least.
At first, I was skeptical. Then, after doing some research, I discovered that these concepts appeared to work. This came as both a shock and a welcome surprise, as people can learn how to pay off almost all of their debts and get the peace of mind they deserve, both for themselves and their family.
Imagine how nice it would feel
to pay off almost all of your debts!
Imagine waking up and knowing
you have more money than bills!
Imagine how peaceful and relaxed you’ll feel
without the stress that accompanies debt.
Make that imagination your reality with these secrets!
Due to the controversial nature of this offer, I am choosing to remain anonymous. But, I will tell you this, I’m a former freelance reporter and photographer. Currently, I’m a writer and author with a penchant for digging up practical hacks that enable people like you to get more freedom in life.
Over the years, that’s been one of my missions–to enable people to get more freedom in life.
The secrets you’re about to discover may lead to the financial freedom and the peace of mind you’ve been dreaming about.
Here’s your chance to finally get a full night’s sleep knowing your debts are taken care of and paid in full and knowing that if future debts arrive, you’ll have the tools and techniques to take care of them as well.
Once you get good at this, you’re likely to have friends and family asking you to help them to do this, too. You might be able to start your own service wherein you help others get financially free, too.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Get the Ebook Bundle, a collection of ebooks that reveal the strategies you can use to get financial freedom–settle student loans, completely pay off your mortgage, wipe out credit card debt!
Get the Ebook Bundle: a collection of ebooks that reveal the strategies you can use to get financial freedom–settle student loans, completely pay off your mortgage, wipe out credit card debt!
It Ain’t Me
Journey Beyond Perception
Sedition by Syntax
Redemption Manual
95 Pages of Redemption
The Secret Covenant
Foreclosure Defense
How to Lawfully and Legally Claim your Home Free and Clear with Administrative Procedures
The Foreclosure Defense Handbook
How I claimed 4 houses, free and clear
Right to Travel
Right to Travel – Instructions
Individual Sovereignty Process
Conditional Agreement
Use of Highway for Travel is a Right
Traveling is a Right
Right to Travel in Court – All Charges Dismissed
Right to Travel – Despite actions of police and local courts, higher courts have ruled that American citizens have a right to travel without state permits
Sovereign Right to Operate a Private Vehicle
The Constitutional Right to Travel
Right to Drive not privilege
What is a License?
United States v Herrera
Mythological Motor Vehicle
Common Law Constitutional Driver License
Letter to judge on Right to Travel
Traffic Tickets
You Have The Right to Remain Silent
Traffic Ticket Case Dismissed
Beating Civil Traffic Tickets
Only Belligerents Have Rights
How to Argue and Win Every Time
You ask the police officer
Trezevant vs City of Tampa
Banking, Credit, Debt, Loans
Zero Out the Account
Notice of cancellation of loan
Negotiable Instruments
Notice concerning fiduciary relationship
Liens, Income, Estate
Trade or Business Scam
Letter of Credit – generic
Letter of Summons
1099a and 1099oid process
1099 forms notes
OID Layout for Checking
Defeating Corruption by Law
Conditional Acceptance
Individual Sovereignty Process
Great IRS Hoax
31 Questions about the IRS
How to Stop the IRS with Debt Collection
The Biggest Con
The Federal Mafia
The Truth about the Income Tax or IRS Fraud
How an Economy Grows
Affidavit Response to 1040
Why the UCC Filing
Mastering the UCC
Recording of Commercial Instruments
Journey Beyond Perception
Accepted for Value
A4V Procedure
Accept it for Value, Return it for Value
Update on discharge of debt
Recording commercial instruments
A4V What does it mean
Accepted for Value
Zero out your account now
How to A4V
Raul A4V back
Raul A4V front
A4V – Birth Certificate – sample
A Total Eclipse of Freedom
Cleaning up Credit Reports
This is the new A4V
Letter of Credit – generic
Letter of Summons
1099a and 1099oid process
1099 forms notes
How to A4V
OID Layout for Checking
Modern Money Mechanics
Conditional Acceptance
Affidavit Response to 1040
Admiralty Maritime Law
Overview of Admiralty Maritime Law
Admiralty – Are you lost at sea?
How to Beat Criminal Charges in Admiralty Courts
Law Merchants
Maritime Jurisdiction Courts
Debt, Banks, Credit
The Credit Secrets
Zero out your account now
5 Promissory Note notes
Revocation of Signature for Loan Application
Affidavit – Mortgage Trust
Security Agreement
Bureau of the Public Debt – letter
Trusts Layout
The Law that Always Was
The Biggest Con
The Federal Mafia
How an Economy Grows
Modern Money Mechanics
Modern Law is Ancient Babylon Code
No friend of democracy
The United States is still a British Colony
Courts, Lawsuits
5 Promissory Note notes
Stop Lawsuits
Settle outside of Court
Cease and Desist
Exhibit A Deed – Tenn
Property Protection Package
Mary Book
Freedom Documents
Nunc Pro Tunc
Registered Bonded Promissory Note
Freedom Documents
Affidavit of Truth (generic)
California Adverse Possession
Conditional Agreement
Cracking the Code – UCC
Redemption Manual – 4th Edition
Right to Travel Instructions
The Truth about Income Tax
1099 Forms and Notes
1099 OID process
Affidavit + Response to 1040
Conditional Acceptance
Conditional Acceptance of Frivolous Filing
Defeating + Corruption by Law
Demand for Assessment
How to Stop the IRS with Debt Collection
OID – Layout for checking
How to lawfully and legally claim your home free and clear through administrative procedures
The Foreclosure Defense Handbook
Accepted for Value
Accepted for Value
ZYA Praise Report
A4V instructions + sample
Accept it for Value – Return it for Value
Acceptance for Value History
Accepted for Value – Taken for Value
A Lesson in Judicial Jujitzu
A Total Eclipse of Freedom
FBI cover letter
ATT success letter
Claim of right
Cleaning up credit reports
Collector – sample letter
Corpus Hermetica
Discharges student loan
FSB Routing
Law – 31 USC – 5118
Law – House Joint Resolution 192
Letter for summons
Letter of credit – generic
Letters to authorities
Mary Book
Modern Money Mechanics
MY A4V Success
My Account is Paid in Full
Proof Child Support Paid – A4V
Structure of Birth Certificate
Direct account
This is the new A4V
Uncitral Convention on BOE
Voucher sample instructions
How Public Commerce Works
The Dispatch of Merchants
The United States is Still a British Colony
Gene Keating Workshop
Beneficiary Status
Bills of Exchange Act 22 of 2003
Class notes
Collector – sample letter
Freedom Documents
Mastering the UCC
Matrix – U.S. Constitution
Notice of Cancelation of Loan
Property Protection Package Redemption
Registered Bonded Promissory Note
Sam’s Manual
The UCC-1 Argument
UCC1 + Claim of Right
Valid Complaint – Demurrer
Emergency Foreclosure + Defense
Strawman, UCC, Foreclosure, etc
Imminent Dangers
Keating Transcript
Letters to Authorities
List of Exhibits and Packet Info
Mary Book
Mastering the UCC
Media Cover Letter
Produce the Note
Property Protection Package Redemption
Qualified Written Respa Tila Request
Read Me First Instructions
T Direct Account
Where Does The Fraud Begin?
How to Lawfully and Legally Claim your Home Free and Clear with Administrative Procedures
The Foreclosure Defense Handbook
Discover The Secrets to Financial Freedom!
This information might shock you, and even cause you to get angry. Use that anger as an energy to do something about it, to try the techniques for yourself, to see what kind of results you get. As it comes with a 30-day money-back, satisfaction guarantee, this is a no-risk offer, so order with confidence. If, after you receive the Ebook Bundle, you wish to get a refund, send an email to: with “refund for Ebook Bundle”.
This is not for everyone
This Ebook Bundle and the secrets you’re about to discover aren’t for everyone, only for those who want to know what’s really going on, and how to remedy the situation.
Is this a conspiracy?
Is this a conspiracy? Both political parties appear to be controlled by sinister agendas and bankrolled and bribed by corporations who have little regard for the American citizens themselves. If you’re reading this, you probably already know this, but what you’re about to discover is still something that is likely to shock you to the core. Please understand this before making your purchase.
Get the secrets
you can use to …
Drive without car insurance
Erase school loans
Eliminate mortgages
Wipe out credit card debt
Before I tell you the price, let me ask you something …
If you learned the secrets to “not having to pay” for car insurance, saving you hundreds-of-dollars a year, how much would you be willing to pay for that one secret technique?
$997 dollars? $497 dollars?
What if you got the secrets to erasing your mortgage debt, wiping out your student loans, and settling your credit card debt, saving your somewhere between $50,000 dollars and $350,000 dollars?
How much would that be worth to you?
$4,997 dollars? $3,997 dollars?
Even at $2,997 dollars, this would be a fair price!
I’ll tell you what.
Let’s lower the price even more …
$997 dollars – this is an amazing deal for an Ebook Bundle that could save you thousands of dollars!
Let’s give you an even better deal!
Let’s lower the price …
$497 dollars!
Let’s lower the price …
If I sold this for $297 dollars,
that would be a great deal!
Let’s lower the price a bit more …
How about $97 dollars?
Let’s make it an even better deal …
$67 dollars
Get the Secrets in this Ebook Bundle now, before the powers-that-be shut down this website!
Get Instant Access to the Secrets …
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The Ebook Bundle comes with a 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee. If, for any reason, you are not completely satisfied with the Ebook Bundle, request a refund via email ( As your satisfaction is guaranteed, this is, essentially, a zero-risk offer. Order with confidence.
Eliminate your Debts
As this is, essentially, a zero-risk purchase, you have nothing to lose, except for the ability to discover shortcuts, and powerful strategies, that you can use to eliminate expenses such as car insurance and completely wipe out debts like mortgages, student loans, credit card debt, and more!
Grab the Ebook Bundle Now
Grab the Ebook Bundle now! These ebooks are the underground playbook that car insurance companies and the powers-that-be don’t want you to know about. Due to the controversial nature of these closely guarded secrets, this website may get shut down at any time. Order the Ebook Bundle to secure access to these valuable files that can save you thousands of dollars.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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After you click the “Buy Now” button, you will be asked for your PayPal account or credit card to complete the purchase. This is a safe, secure transaction and your credit card information will not be stored.
What do I get?
You get immediate delivery of the the books Bundle, that reveal the closely guarded secrets, legal loopholes, and little known techniques that you can use to drive without insurance, eliminate your mortgage, student loans, credit card debt, and more.
How is this product delivered?
As this is a digital product, the ebooks are delivered via private website link. Most of these ebooks are in PDF (Portable Document File) form. The ebooks are compatible for both Mac (Apple) and Windows (Microsoft) on all platforms–computers, laptops, tablets, iPads, smartphones. The value of this Ebook Bundle is in the tens-of-thousands of dollars, as they reveal the powerful strategies you you can use to wipe out debts–credit card debts, mortgage debts, student loans debts, and more!
Is this Free Shipping?
Yes. As this is a digital product, the shipping is free.
Debt Eliminate Strategies Revealed
Get the debt elimination strategies that can save you thousands! These ebooks reveal the “done-for-you” strategies that the powers that be and car insurance companies don’t want you to know about. As this secrets are closely guarded and highly controversial, this website may get shut down at any time, so order now to claim this amazing Ebook Bundle.
Secure access to this valuable information that can save you thousands. Order now.
Is there a money-back guarantee?
Yes. The Ebook Bundle comes with a 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee. If, for any reason, you are not completely satisfied with the Ebook Bundle, request a refund via email ( As your satisfaction is guaranteed, this is, essentially, a zero-risk offer. Order with confidence.
Discover the Secrets
– to wipe out your debts
– to eliminate car insurance payments
– and more, much more
Try it for yourself: As this Ebook Bundle comes with a 30-day satisfaction guarantee, this is, essentially, a zero-risk offer. Think about it. You’ve got nothing to lose, except the hundreds and thousands of dollars you’ll save by eliminating high-interest debts, and the stress and anxiety that accompany these debts.
Free yourself: You owe it to yourself to lose the financial burden and get out from under the stress. This Ebook Bundle will show you how to do this, guaranteed. Order with confidence.
One more thing. Right now, you have a decision to make. Ignore this website and click away, or buy the Ebook Bundle that just might change your life. Don’t let a measly $67 dollars come between you and your financial freedom. Think about it.
the powers that be shut down this website!
Get Instant Access to the Secrets …
Click the Button below!
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As soon as you pay, you get immediate delivery of the private website and PDF files. Compatible for both PC and Mac computers, tablets, and Android and Apple smartphones.
30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee
The Ebook Bundle comes with a 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee. If, for any reason, you are not completely satisfied with the Ebook Bundle, request a refund via email ( As your satisfaction is guaranteed, this is, essentially, a zero-risk offer. Order with confidence.
Eliminate your Debts
As this is, essentially, a zero-risk purchase, you have nothing to lose, except for the ability to discover shortcuts, and powerful strategies, that you can use to eliminate expenses such as car insurance and completely wipe out debts like mortgages, student loans, credit card debt, and more!
Grab the Ebook Bundle Now
Grab the Ebook Bundle now! These ebooks are the underground playbook that car insurance companies and the powers-that-be don’t want you to know about. Due to the controversial nature of these closely guarded secrets, this website may get shut down at any time. Order the Ebook Bundle to secure access to these valuable files that can save you thousands of dollars.
Order with Confidence
This is a safe, secure payment using PayPal verified and SendOwl fulfillment service.
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As this is a digital product, delivered via private website and PDF files, shipping is 100% free